"It doesn’t make sense to hire smart people and then tell them what to do; hire smart people so they can tell us what to do.”

- Steve Jobs, former Co-Founder, Chairman & CEO of Apple

Thomas Elliot believes in Organic Transparency, it’s our Prime Principal

Trust is earned through our Actions 

  • Open Contracts – Our contracts are black and white, no hidden points or fees. We are upfront about pricing, explaining costs, fees and specific deliverables.
  • Ownership of Mistakes – Mistakes will happen. We do our best to provide the best service and deliever the best outcome for our clients, but when mistakes are made. We own our mistake and look for solutions not excuses. We communicate our responsibility and actively work to remedy the mistake.
  • Recruitment Authenticity – We disclose our confidence in recruiting for an opportunity, the challenges a job order may pose, the time frame we can give to it and the estimated deliverables we can achieve.
  • Information Exchange – We disclose everything we know about the process. We do not manipulate the information but engage in a healthy exchange of knowledge and facts.

Transparency is about having no hidden agendas, disclosing all the information, and communicating actions taken

Forget “Need to Know” and Think “Everyone Should Know”

We have an Open Information Policy where company goals, business trajectory, market roadmaps and more – is proactively shared.

Every Question Receives an Answer

If employees want to know something they are told. If clients ask questions we answer them. If our HR Partners want to know our recruitment strategy we disclose it.

We want everyone to feel involved and accountable to One Another, to their Clients, to their HR Partners and to Themselves.

Every day we challenge ourselves to do what matters most, to add value, to be accountable. Our clients and partners needs comes first.